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MCEA SGO Updates!


Among the many challenges we face as educators in this unprecedented year is dealing with an evaluation system that is not designed for these times. Since the beginning of the pandemic, when school buildings closed and education went remote, we have advocated for maximum flexibility on all aspects of evaluation. Flexibility enables educators and administrators to focus their entire effort on reinventing education to meet the needs of students in the face of our many challenges.

Last spring, that led to major changes in how and whether evaluations occurred and what factors went into those evaluations. Standardized testing was suspended and evaluation, where it occurred, took into account the dramatically changed circumstances. We believe that remains the only reasonable approach while much of the state continues with remote or hybrid education and every school operates under conditions never imagined when our evaluation system was created.

That is why we continue to advocate for a thoughtful, flexible approach this year in all aspects of evaluation, including in the area of student growth objectives, known as SGOs. We have consistently advocated with the Department of Education for SGO requirements to be delayed until we return to more normal teaching and learning conditions. While the department has not yet agreed to entirely eliminate the SGO requirement this year, it has indicated that it expects districts to be very flexible and has reiterated that educators have until Feb. 15 to revise their SGOs to reflect the real-world conditions we and our students face. We will continue to advocate for the full suspension of SGO requirements during this pandemic.

While that advocacy continues, please refer to the following resources for more information:

Additionally, we encourage members with questions and concerns about SGOs or other issues related to evaluation to attend the regular online Member Update sessions hosted by NJEA. The next one is scheduled for Nov. 2.

Should you have any questions or concerns about any aspect of evaluation, including SGO requirements, please reach out to your local president or UniServ field representative immediately so that problems can be addressed and your rights are protected.


Chapter 44, BCBS info


The NJDPB has still not posted an Open Enrollment link or banner on the website.

There is also still no 2021 contribution calculator or worksheets.


However, I have discovered that Horizon has a comprehensive Open Enrollment page for SHBP & SEHBP members:

It contains a contribution calculator which includes and compares NJEHP contributions:

There is also an Open Enrollment “webinar” presentation video: (It’s also here:

Their plan description/side-by-side:


Finally, please take notice of information in the 9/21/2020 Certifying Officers Letter regarding SEHBP Open Enrollment:



"Note: It will be necessary for members who have previously waived coverage to complete an Employee Coverage Waiver/Reinstatement Form this year."


By the way, the NJDPB does have some useful benefits videos, specifically those relating to Amino, OptumRx (including the new NJEHP plan), Hinge Health, and the Direct Primary Care providers (Paladina, R-Health, etc.):


YouTube Video for SEHBP Local Education Employees:

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